Invisalign Aftercare


Last Reviewed 08 December 2024

Medically reviewed by Dr Joyti Vasudev, Consultant Orthodontist, Dental Team

You've officially started your journey to achieve the perfect smile with Invisalign!

We've put together some top tips to ensure you get the best possible results from your aligners and avoid damaging them.

Invisalign Aftercare

Why You Might Need Invisalign? - Explains Dr Joyti Vasudev

Inserting The Aligners

If you're using two aligners, you'll need to ensure you're using the right aligner for each set of teeth. The upper aligner has a "U" label, while the lower has an "L". Once you identify which aligner goes where, it's time to insert them.

It doesn't matter which aligner you insert first. When inserting the aligner, guide it over your front teeth and then use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure on the back teeth.

Dr. Joyti Vasudev

You should hear the aligner snap into place, which indicates that it's securely attached to the teeth.

We can provide you with "chewies" to help you make sure the aligners are fully seated when you insert them.

Please avoid biting down on the aligners to push them into position, as it could damage them.

Removing The Aligners

When removing the aligners, it's essential to avoid damaging them.

  1. Start on one side of your mouth and carefully use a fingertip to lift the aligner off your back molar.

  2. Repeat the process on the opposite side, releasing the aligner from your back teeth.

  3. Continue gently removing the aligner from your teeth, working towards the front.

You'll receive aligners for each stage when you begin your Invisalign journey.

For example, the treatment begins with aligner number one, which you'll wear for 7-14 days usually, as advised by your orthodontist.

Then, you'll move onto aligner two for the same period, and then switch to aligner three and so on. We usually recommend starting new aligner sets before bedtime.

You'll be asleep while your teeth get used to them, which reduces discomfort.

If you experience pain during your Invisalign treatment, please contact your dentist for further advice.

Dr. Joyti Vasudev

  • Remember to wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours a day (preferably 23).

  • You should only remove them when brushing and flossing your teeth, and when eating and drinking anything but water.

  • Failure to wear them regularly will cause your teeth to take longer to move, and you might require further orthodontic treatment.

Using Chewies

It's a good idea to use the chewies when you insert the aligners, as they ensure the Invisalign aligners fit correctly and play key roles in helping the teeth gradually move into their optimal positions.

To ensure the Invisalign treatment works, keep the chewies with you at all times and order some more if you need them.

How To Clean Your Invisalign Aligners?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential while wearing aligners, as it will prevent tooth decay and ensure your teeth remain strong.

However, you'll also need to clean the aligners regularly - even though you'll switch to a new pair every couple of weeks.

Here are some basic steps for cleaning Invisalign aligners:

  1. Rinse the aligners every night.

  2. Clean them with a soft toothbrush to remove any food particles.

  3. Rinse the aligners with water after cleaning them.

Using Invisalign Crystals or Tablet Cleaning Solution

You can also use specialist cleaning crystals during your Invisalign treatment to ensure the aligners remain in optimal condition. Here's how to use the cleaning crystals:

  • Rinse your aligner under cold water to remove any debris.

  • Grab a clean cup or specialist aligner cleaning tub and fill it with lukewarm water to submerge the aligners.

  • Add your packet of Invisalign cleaning crystals or tablet to the water and mix well. Let the aligners sit in the cleaning solution for around 15 minutes.

  • Use a wet, soft toothbrush to gently scrub both sides of your aligner, removing any remaining particles.

  • Rinse the aligner with cold water to ensure it's clean, fresh, and ready to wear.

You can use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals for a deeper clean as and when needed - ideally once a day or every couple of days.

Managing Discomfort

As with any orthodontic treatment, you might experience some initial discomfort when getting used to aligners. For most people, this discomfort is minor and usually appears when first starting Invisalign treatment and changing aligners.

The good news is that aligners are less painful than other types of orthodontic treatments, and there are plenty of effective ways to manage any discomfort.

OTC Painkillers

If you experience some discomfort, we recommend using paracetamol or ibuprofen to make the discomfort more manageable. If you experience high levels of pain (which is very rare), you should see your orthodontist.

Use ice

Some people find cold water can help reduce pain and numb the mouth.

If you're experiencing discomfort, just swish water with ice around your mouth, and it should have a numbing effect. You can also put an ice cube in your mouth for a stronger effect.

Stay away from excessively crunchy and hard foods

Certain foods can cause more pain when you're getting used to aligners, and avoiding them should prevent any complications.

For example, crisps, crunchy vegetables and crunchy fried foods could increase your discomfort.

Don't avoid pressure

Did you know that small amounts of pressure on your teeth can help discomfort? For this reason, you shouldn't avoid chewing.

Just make sure the foods you choose aren't too hard.

Speak To Our Orthodontists

If you'd like any advice regarding Invisalign aftercare, please contact The Modern Dentist today.

Our orthodontists are always available to put your mind at ease and support you through the recovery period.

Book Your Free Consultation

Achieve your dream smile without anyone noticing. Invisalign from The Modern Dentist makes it happen.


Medically reviewed by Dr Joyti Vasudev

Consultant Orthodontist, Dental Team


After starting Invisalign treatment, you might experience initial discomfort, but this usually happens while your tissue gets used to the aligners.

If you're dealing with high levels of discomfort, we can reduce it by smoothing the edges of your aligners if necessary.